
Motion Design, Illustration, Storytelling

In collaboration with Amoré Van Der Linde, Hal Rumney Hunt, Rosie Loraine

A speculative campaign with SheSays, a global organisation that advocates for gender equality, specifically aimed at those working in the creative industry.

Our motion graphic aims to spark conversations on gender inequality in the workplace, promoted through our #CreativeFlame hashtag on social media platforms like LinkedIn, fostering transparency and collective dialogue among employees.

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#CreativeFlame is a competition entry for Creative Conscience, an organisation that promotes positive change through creative thinking globally. Aligned with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, it seeks to promote gender equality, good health & well-being, and decent work and economic growth.

Crafted with vector graphics in a paper cut aesthetic, our female protagonist Sarah Smith, embodies strength, confidence and independence. It was important to us that her resilience in navigating a male-dominated creative industry was communicated to viewers, portraying her as a trailblazer deserving of career growth.

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